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For my self devised project, I created a campaign called the Primark vault, which included 3 different outcomes. 

This was a response to my research exploring the relationship music fans have with their favourite artists and how that has developed in concert culture, as there has been a rise of craft and fashion within pop music fan bases, post covid. This is because concerts have become an entire experience of buying or making an outfit and accessories that fit into the aesthetics of a particular artist so it has begun to grow within the FCP landscape. 


The primary outcome is a virtual fitting room, for users to style outfits from the ‘Primark Vault’ for upcoming concerts, with each listed tour having its own capsule wardrobe suited to the artist’s aesthetic. After concerts, the user’s personal ‘Vault’ acts as a time capsule where they can upload their concert memories, and at the end of the year, these will be formatted to resemble a bullet journal for them to look back on. The secondary outcome is pop ups in shopping centres across the UK with an AR mirror that has the same features as the website, and the tertiary outcome is social media and email marketing throughout the campaign.

- Fans are loyal consumers

- Fans look for ways to deepen engagement with artists

- Fans find new ways to be creative in relation to artists

- Fans engage with brands that use fan culture authentically


‘Teen Pop’ fans actively look for constant engagement with their favourite artists and their concerts. How can fashion brands use the recent phenomenon of fashion within ‘teen pop’ music concert culture in their marketing strategies more effectively?

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